Dass Fisch in Aquakulturen auch schon mal mit Farbstoff gefüttert wird um das Fleisch etwas appetitlicher aussehen zu lassen, war mir bekannt. Aber was ich dann gefunden habe brachte mich auf die Idee, ein Video daraus zu machen:
Einige Quellen dazu:
- “Food safety associated with products from aquaculture”, World Health Organization, Technical Report Series, No 883, 1999
- National Marine Fisheries Service, Seafood Supply and U.S. Trade, [PowerPoint graph]: “US Imports of Farmed Salmon: 1989–2003”
- “What Is Malachite Green?” Food Safety Network
- M. J. Mac, “PCBs and DDE in commercial fi sh feeds,” Progressive Fish Culturist, 41 (1979), pp. 210–211. See also K. Oetjen and H. Karl, “Levels of toxaphene indicator compounds in fi sh meal, fi sh oil and fi sh feed,” Chemosphere, 37:1 (1998), pp. 1–11.
- Ronald A. Hites, “Global Assessment of Organic Contaminants in Farmed Salmon,” Science, 303:5655 (2004), pp. 226–229
- “Seafood: Farmed vs. wild,” Consumer Reports, January 2005
- “Opinion of the Scientifi c Committee on Animal Nutrition on the use of Canthaxanthin in feedinstuffs for salmon and trout, laying hens and other poultry”, European Commission, Health and Consumer Protection Directorate, Brussels, 2002
- “Brighter eyesight or brighter salmon?” DG SANCO press relase, January 27, 2003, European Commission
- Smith and Lowney, PLLC, “The color salmon lawsuit”
- C. D. Miranda et al., “Diversity of tetracycline resistance genes in bacteria from Chilean salmon farms,” Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 47 (2003), pp. 883–888
- www.puresalmon.org
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